Never take your hands of the wheel…the fallacy of micro management.

Courtney Santana
2 min readNov 14, 2019

This guy…

We hate him for so many reasons. He epitomizes all we despise about management. He’s useless. He has nothing better to do than to stand behind your desk and bug the hell out of you. The only work he accomplishes is to give you unreasonable demands and attendance monitoring.

I get it. I hate this guy too except for one aspect of him. He knows his job is to manage employees and that he does very well. He knows their every move and though they never covered this in the movie Office Space, I am sure he has a boss somewhere, do the same to him.

Never take your hands off the wheel. I mean that to say…as an entrepreneur, never step away from your business and expect your employees and contractors to do what they need to do without supervision.

If you are paying someone to do a job, it is your job to make sure that they do their job. They must do what they are asked to do and are paid to do.

I don’t view this as micro management.



Learn to pronounce


gerund or present participle: micromanaging

  1. control every part, however small, of (an enterprise or activity).

I view this as managing your asset, your investment, and being a good steward of what you have.

As the CEO of both companies, I would love to believe that I would be able to walk away from my daily duties and trust that all things are being handled. In most instances, they are. I have a great team. But there have been instances where, I stepped away and I came back to a mess, with no one to blame but myself.

I have learned in the cohort that team work is important even in our classwork. The work ethic and motivation of your team is paramount to the effectiveness of your team.

